There is no doubt but the need for proper and easily readable yet knowledge filled content is but a must for every company online. Whenever you come towards the success mantra or the story of ay SEO related sites, you sure would have heard of the phrase, so often said, “Content is King”!!
However, yes that’s true and which is why, experts have been laying so much attention towards content and by this we mean ‘quality’ contents.
You need to start building your content with a solid backing or foundation which will be useful for you to support all of your other SEO effects.
Let us know more about it from the below mentioned points:
Contents and how its structure and other factors count?
Content Quality and proper structuring
More than everything and anything you need to focus towards creating contents with quality. When you are preparing or selling something, are you only focusing towards creating something that’s readily available on every other site?
Do you think that the contents that you provide your online visitors with would be worth spending some time and reading them for more than few seconds?
Things that you are offering to your visitors are they unique, something that would be valuable for them and something that’s practically useful and better than other contenders in the market?
Hence, when you are providing contents for your site, make sure that you do go through these necessary points and make an estimate. Also heed attention towards the structuring of your content and not just randomly place points here and there. You need to look organized. You simply cannot skimp in this area because all factors ultimately depend on the cornerstone.
Do proper Content / Keyword Research
The other very vital SEO factor after quality content would definitely be doing a proper and thorough keyword research work. There are flotillas of tools through which you can determine the precise ways that will show how people hunt for your content
You will surely want to create contents with the actual search terms which people make on search engines so that you can come up with an ‘effective’ answer to their query. This will in turn be beneficial for your site as then you will get customers who will visit your site and with appropriate material gain reliability and become your customer.
Fitting use of Keywords
After you are done with the research of appropriate and proper keywords you will then use it in your content right? Well, if you feel you have come about with good quality content, you still should re-examine the material and make changes here necessary.
Therefore the bottom line here is, if you want you’re content to be found through ‘particular’ words, it would be a very good idea to utilize it in your copy too.
Again you need to understand how often should the words get repeated? It would be good to repeat the words for about 4 to 5 times or you could seek the keyword density of about of 2.45%, for positive results.
Well, it’s not a joke! You need to take this seriously because there is no precise count of words or specific number of time you should repeat the words. Keyword density is of great necessity and you need to keep it in mind, if you want valuable content. Make sure that you do not overuse them, however ensure that they fit in naturally on the page.
Content Freshness
Yes, search engine simply love fresh and new contents. This is the reason why, we are using the term ‘fresh’.
Now, you cannot keep updating your pages or simply publish the date, assuming that search engine will regard it as afresh content and help you rank higher. No, not that way! You just cannot keep adding new pages and think that just for the sake of having new pages, your rank of freshness will enhance and help your website boost ahead!
There is something known as “Query Deserved Freshness (QDF)” which comes from the end of Google. If there is suddenly a search which is quite popular versus its standard, normal activity, then QDF will be applied by Google to this term and will run through the topic to find out if there is any freshness related to that content. If the content seems to be fresh or new, then your sit will definitely notice a boost in the search results.
If your contents are apt and very much hitting the right topic, then you will definitely notice good results in the search engine for a few days or even weeks. However stay alert because after this phase is over, your page might just get hobbled back to its same results in the search engine. Do not worry because nothing worn has been done from your end. It is just that the freshness of your content has worn off with time.
Yours site can make utmost benefit by generating more relevant contents which does reach up to the real-time pulse of the industry.
Vertical Search
A few of the other vital factors which will assist your web page content to gain success in the search engine is the vertical” results. They basically come from “vertical” search engines devoted that are dedicated towards news, videos, and local and images. In case you have a few contents in this section, then it will most probably be noticed in the special sections of the search results page.
Let’s explain it you to make things smoother for you to understand. For example, Google when working as a regular search engine gathers content from all around the web. It does this with the hopes of matching up with general queries raging on a wide array of topics. It is focusing on an assortment of topics and this is known as horizontal search.
But on the other hand Google even generates a specialized search engine which highlights on news and images or some local contents. These are known as vertical search engines as it lays attention on a specific interest or topic. Hence when you do some search work on Google, you might come across some special sections known as OneBoxes, together with the web listings. These are also important and might help your website rise higher in the search engine results.